about this command shows info about the bot
eval Evaluted Bot Commands
afk stays 24/7 in vc
stop,dc to disconnect the bot from the voice channel
pause, resume to pause or resume the current song
nowplaying, np to know the song which is being played now
queue,q to know music which are in queue
volume,vol to increase or decrease the volume of the music (max 400/min 1)
invite,inv useful links
,,afk [afk] ~ 24/7 ,,help [command] ~ To show all commands ,,invite [invite] ~ To add/invite the bot to your server ,,loop [loop] ~ Toggle music loop ,,lyrics [lyrics] ~ Get lyrics for the currently playing song ,,nowplaying ~ To show the music which is currently playing in this server ,,pause [pause] ~ To pause the current music in the server ,,ping [ping] ~ Shows the bot ping ,,play | ~ To play songs :D ,,playlist ~ To play songs :D ,,queue ~ To show the server songs queue ,,remove rm ~ Remove song from the queue ,,resume ~ To resume the paused music ,,search ~ To search songs :D ,,shuffle [shuffle] ~ Shuffle queue ,,skip ~ To skip the current music ,,skipto skipto ~ Skip to the selected queue number ,,stop ~ To stop the music and clearing the queue ,,volume [volume] ~ To change the server song queue volume